Jogging vs. Running, is there an actual difference? 您所在的位置:网站首页 jogging shoes Jogging vs. Running, is there an actual difference?

Jogging vs. Running, is there an actual difference?

2024-06-18 20:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What's the difference between jogging and running? Is there really a difference between the two? And does it even matter?

For some people, it does. In some running communities, being referred to as a "jogger" is not a compliment. But the reality is definitions vary here and there really is not a strict rule that clearly delineates when you are jogging vs. running.

Jogging vs. Running

As mentioned, jogging has no set definition. But this form of exercise is usually thought of as a slower form of running. While one may not entirely be running at full speed, jogging is still a different movement pattern and requires a slightly faster pace than walking does. For most people, running includes moving at a speed of about six mph or being able to complete a 10-minute mile. With these parameters, running a 5K would take about 30 minutes, whereas jogging a 5K would naturally take longer than 30 minutes due to a person's slower pace when jogging. Of course, this is more of a working definition and not set in stone but rather a suggestion for how to gauge jogging vs. running.

According to some reports, the average running pace for a woman is 10:21 per mile, and the average running pace for a man is 9:03 per mile. Thus, a 10K would take approximately an hour to complete running at pace for either a man or a woman. A marathon (around 26 miles) typically takes a seasoned runner, regardless of gender, just over four hours to complete.

Even so, there is no set standard or exact time that determines which form of exercise you are or aren't engaging in here. It's not as if once you drop below a certain pace, you are suddenly a jogger rather than a runner. In fact, most people run at varying speeds depending on their distance, and most people slow down once they reach a certain age. So, a distinction based on pace or speed is unlikely to explain the difference between running and jogging.

There is no strict standard for when runners become joggers, although some sources say that if you jogging begins at a 10-minute per mile pace or 6 mph.

Does the Word Matter?

Some people believe that joggers are more casual runners—those who run occasionally but don't follow a training schedule and don't compete in races.

What Some Runners and Joggers Say

You'll hear some people say, "I'm a jogger, definitely NOT a runner." These people may be taken aback if they're put in the "runner" category—as if they are not worthy of the title.

By the same token, there are plenty of runners who get offended if someone calls them a jogger. The casual nature of the word may bother some athletes who are serious about their sport. Runners don't want to be thought of as someone who just goes out for a leisurely jog once in a while. To them, running is more of an athletic pursuit, a lifestyle, and a passion.

Runners often see themselves as fully invested in training. They're not just out there trying to burn some calories—they're running with a purpose, working hard, often up steep inclines or practicing indoors on vertical climbers during inclement weather—and accomplishing various goals. They may not be the fastest or most accomplished runners, but they love the sport, and they take it seriously.

How Fast Should I Run? What Some Experts Say

Dr. George Sheehan, a best-selling author from the 1970s, is quoted as saying that "the difference between a runner and a jogger is a signature on a race application."

Of course, that quote is a little dated, since most people now enter races online with no signature required, but the idea remains relevant. Basically, if you enjoy running enough that you have entered a road race, you're a runner—regardless of how fast you are or how long you've been doing it.

However, participating in a race shouldn't be a requirement to call yourself a runner. There are plenty of people who have been running for years, and they have never put on a race bib.

Health Benefits of Running and Jogging

While there is research that links faster running with greater health benefits (including a decreased risk for hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes), the study authors are quick to point out that their results do not prove causality. That means faster running doesn't necessarily cause better health. Moreover, runners may sweat excessively and can be in need of added electrolytes.

In fact, most health experts will tell you that the best exercise for optimal health is the exercise that you are willing to do on a regular basis. What's more, many running coaches combine speed training (training at a faster pace) with days when your runs involve running for a long, slow distance (LSDs).

The bottom line is that when you decide to call yourself a runner is really a matter of personal preference. There's no pace test or threshold you need to pass to prove that you're a runner. And you don't need to run a race or wear special shoes to become a runner.

If you've been jogging for years and you plan to keep jogging, then go right ahead and call it that. But if you love the sport (even if you dislike it sometimes), you can proudly call yourself a runner, no matter your pace or level of experience.

How Long Does It Take to Train for a 10K?






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